Newsletter to AdWords Clients 02-03-11, sort of.

Because of Google’s new Call Metrics for AdWords, clients are starting to see custom unique dynamically generated phone numbers in their AdWords ads.

It only took one ping to realize we better get in front of this, because it looked like this feature was getting rolled out fast. And depending on how well it actually works, sounds like it may be a game changer in certain sectors. Cost-per-call metrics, phone tracking – free, and apparently relatively easy at first glance and set-up.

The heads-up on the new phone numbers I sent out to clients turned out to be a general heads-up that things were changing fast and significantly when it comes to AdWords. And we should be talking about that.

Here it is, with some admitted modification.

For instance, I left out the pandering for leads (bribery actually), suggestions that service expansion may well be recommended, and other such client-centric things.

Hopefully it will give some flavor nonetheless.


Hello Clients!!!

AdWords is changing faster than ever. Too much for a single communication. So allow me to be relatively brief, and hit the high points for now.

1 – Google is instituting an important new feature called Call Metrics.
As a result you may soon start seeing “strange” phone numbers in your ads – we are instituting this new tool in campaigns/accounts as we can, when appropriate. This one could be huge, especially for those businesses of all kinds whose sales process involves phones.

2 – Google is really integrating services – and part of that push is further AdWords integration with things like Places/Maps and Merchant Center/Product Search. Not to mention new reporting and analytics tools. Not to doubly mention mobile marketing and hand-held devices which add an additional exploding layer on top of everything. Yikes!!!!!

These services and tools take communication and coordination between us, you, your staff, and other web service vendors if we are going to get the most out of them.

The following article from Greg Sterling does a good job of laying out how and why Google is stepping up AdWords integration. The focus is Mobile and Local, but the same type of integration is happening in Video, Product Search (shopping), and other cross-over Google channels.

Let’s talk.

Learn more about our AdWords Services


Tom Hale
AdWords Specialist
503-946-8109 (W)
503-961-5721 (C)