While In Town For SearchFest 2013

For those in town early for SearchFest 2013 or tonight’s SEMpdx Members only mixer - I have a SearchFest related insider tip. Recently Tom Jr brought a Google+ post to my attention from SEMpdx Board Member and SearchFest 2013 organizer Alan George concerning Portland Musician Pete Krebs. Pete is one…



Recently I was voted onto the Advisory Board of SEMpdx. SEMpdx is an organization based in Portland, Oregon whose mission is to inform and educate area businesses on the benefits of SEM to bottom line revenue. I have dabbled in a few professional organizations but these folks without a doubt are…

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SEMpdx Inaugural PPC Hot Seat

I have been asked to be one of four panelists for the inaugural SEMpdx PPC Hot Seat event. The panel will evaluate several websites from a PPC point of view. My particular focus will be AdWords Quality Score. SEMpdx Hot Seats are a great way to get professional Search Marketing…