Ideal AdWords Relationships

There is of course no such thing as a standard ideal relationship between AdWords service providers (like me) and AdWords consumers (like my clients). Each situation is so different that what may suit one sevice provider-client relationship may be disastrous for another. But based on experience I have identified some…


What makes a good PPC Landing Page?

I posted the following as a reply in a SEMpdx Forum thread. Thought it was cogent enough to reprise here ;-) This is in response to comments in the thread by Todd Mintz and related article, also by Todd. ---------------------------------------- Todd I couldn't agree more that ideally you would have…


SEMpdx Presents: SEM Six-Pack

I'm kind of late with this post, especially when the event is reportedly already near a sellout! But as of this post there were still a few seats available. SEMpdx, Portland's Search Marketing Professional Organization, is putting on an educational event next Tuesday, November 13th. I am happy to say…


Unintentional AdWords Evil

A bit of an exaggeration maybe, especially from a staunch Google advocate such as myself. But I am concerned. When I first discovered Google AdWords it was love at first sight. Advertising for the masses, highly targeted, priority on relevance. Sounded like my kind of environment. I have often distilled…

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SEMpdx Forum

What to do with an empty Forum? Sing the above lyric to the tune of "what to do with a Drunken Sailor", something like that. Here's the deal. I have agreed to help energize the SEMpdx Support Forums. Energize and sculpt I should say. It is a virtual blank slate…


Clients First

There is a rule of blogging, a Primary Rule. That rule is: Don't stop Blogging. A related rule is that you should blog frequently and consistently. Obviously I am in gross violation of those rules. Guilty. But I do plead mitigating circumstances. Because those primary rules of blogging have collided…


Strategic Truth

Appropriately enough, a concept has me in it's thrall. A thought that has grown out of pondering the impact of the Internet on the age old art of persuasion. Such pondering has distilled down to this concept: Tell a compelling truth to those that want to hear it. Simple? You…


AdWords Link Love

Below is a slightly revised edition, of the second half, of a client newsletter I sent out about a week ago. The first half consisted of me outlining some of the general benefits of my services  as an AdWords Manager and Consultant. I'll post the first half, second - of…