AdWords Curator-The Sources

It occurred to me that since I spend so much time on continuing education, I might as well re-purpose some of that time by sharing my favorite AdWords related news and blog posts that I come across.

First and foremost: Let me divulge my current favorite sources (they do change) – last update 03-18-10

First among the first is of course Google itself. Here are my top two among their many blogs.

Inside AdWords
AdWords Agency Blog

-When it comes to compiling daily search news, I have to think Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Land is leading the pack, maybe by a bunch. I sure rely on his SearchCap newsletter as a primary source of information.

-Another newsletter worth mentioning is SearchDay from Search Engine Watch.

-I also have to give an envious shout out to those bloggers at PPC Hero who have really been pumping out quality content for some time now.

The following individuals are ones I find myself reading and saying: that’s right – or – wish I had said that – or – about time somebody addressed that issue.

In other words – my current favorite pundits.

David Szetela

Brad Geddes

Andrew Goodman

George Michie

And I am also proud to say the following sites are certainly worth mentioning – above and beyond the fact that I am involved 😉

AdWords Help Experts


AdWords Help Forum

That is a good start. If you hook-up with these sites and people, however you digest your online news, you will be plucking search marketing gems from some very rich sources.

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